
Sports Elite Football Training is designed to develop elite athletes from ages 7 to 11 with advanced skill training, allowing them to compete at any level.  Our comprehensive program will not only focus on athletic excellence, but also foster life skills ensuring holistic development for every participant. Through this program, TSCD focuses on fundamentals, skill, and position training to support the athletes’ performance, endurance, and strength in a fun and supportive environment.

Here’s what young people can expect when participating in Sports Elite Football Training:

Basics Fundamentals
& Skill Training

  • Improve Athletic Performance: Enhance agility, balance, and overall coordination, critical for excelling in football and other sports.
  • Boost Physical Fitness: promote cardio health, muscle strength, and endurance, laying a strong foundation for lifelong fitness habits.
  • Build Mental Toughness: encourage discipline, perseverance, and a growth mindset, essential for overcoming challenges both on and off the field.

Position Training

  • Technical Proficiency: develops position-specific skills, such as catching, tackling, and strategic play execution.
  • Game Intelligence: Teaches situational awareness, play reading, and decision-making to enhance on-field performance.
  • Leadership and Teamwork: Cultivates communication skills, leadership qualities, and teamwork, vital for success in team sports and collaborative environments.

Strength & Conditioning

  • Functional Strength Training: exercises tailored to improve core strength, stability, and power, crucial for athletic performance and injury prevention.
  • Conditional Drills: high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and endurance exercises designed to enhance stamina and overall stamina and overall physical resilience.
  • Nutrition and Recovery Education: guidance on proper nutrition, hydration, and recovery techniques to optimize performance and support healthy growth.